Unsure which projects to work on next?
Unsure which projects provide the best benefits to your company?
Having trouble ranking projects?
Want a consistent and independent way to prioritise projects?

The Prioritiser, a spreadsheet-based tool which is specifically designed to help you address the above questions. The Project Prioritiser uses simple, common-sense ideas and practices to rank projects based on benefit cost ratio.
What are the benefits of using Project Prioritiser?
Project Prioritiser allows you to rank projects against each other, based on your specific benefits and costs criteria. It ensures that projects which deliver the highest benefits, for least amount of cost, are given the highest ranking allowing you to prioritise projects.
Further, Project Prioritiser:
- Enables you to align investments in projects with your organisation’s plans.
- Provides an independent way to rank projects rather than relying on people’s opinions.
- Assists with and feeds into other essential activities including project management, benefits realisation and change management.
- Enables your organisation to take a methodical approach to scheduling work.
- Assists with project budgeting and scheduling.

At Equal Bytes we have been helping organisations since 2003 to rank and prioritise projects using our experience and the Prioritiser. Whilst the Prioritiser can be purchased separately you will get gain most from Equal Bytes training and mentoring your team on how to use the Prioritiser and setup the scoring criteria. This typically takes between 2 and 5 days to configure, train and mentor.

Project Ranking
This enables you to rank your initiatives and projects based on the benefit/cost ratio.

Project High-Level Schedule
If you add the start dates and duration, the IMSF will create a simple high-level schedule.

A high-level budget is created using the capital costs, operational costs and on-going costs.

The Prioritiser has many other features that are designed to assist a governance committee to manage their portfolios of initiatives and projects.

Who uses it?
The Prioritiser is used across private and government organisations. It has been developed with users input to provide a practical and simple way to rank initiatives and projects.
It has been used to prioritise projects for:
- Local governments
- Water authorities
- Health and Education
- Private Industry
What’s next?
If you are interested in having a method to manage your portfolio of projects and initiatives, to ensure they deliver benefits, then please contact Equal Bytes to see if the Prioritiser is right for your organisation.
The Prioritiser costs $495 for a single user licence and $195 for each additional user.
We provide the following services to our customers to ensure they get maximise value and benefits from using the Prioritiser:
- Setup, Configuration and Training – to ensure the Prioritise has been setup to deliver what we promise (typically between 2 and 10 days)
- Ongoing support and maintenance – to ensure the Prioritiser works for you and to adjust things as your business changes.
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